BIO: Hong's mentor and roommate, a tastelessly edgy prettyboy magician. He was once a very powerful wizard, but after sacrificing most of his magic in a dire time of need, the most he can do now is simple sleight-of-hand tricks. This is something he is deeply insecure about. He's saved Hong on countless occasions, and at least attempts to heal all their injuries with the little magic he still has left. He is notoriously standoffish and pretentious, making him difficult to interact with. Although his reputation as an insufferable pedant precedes him, he has quite a few admirers (mostly women) for whatever reason. Counterwise to this, however, he's also screwed over a great number of people. He greatly admires the works of Aleister Crowley.

SKILL POINTS: Formerly specialized in healing magic, but can't use most of it anymore due to previous incidents. Despite this, he still possesses the necessary power to heal minor wounds. Also possesses several irrelevant skills, such as writing poetry and speaking French (useless).

TEMPERAMENT: Apathetic, aloof, and occasionally callous (Unwittingly!! He's not actually an asshole, he genuinely doesn't know how to interact with others). Due to past experiences, sometimes he feels as if though he's not meant to be happy. Likes "dark" and "offensive" humor and creepy things (he has an odd hyperfixation on Halloween decorations), and is a perpetual learner constantly researching new/obscure topics. Secretly has a soft spot for Hong, which is buried under layers of stoicism and self-imposed anhedonia. Will not shut up about Camper Van Beethoven. Ever. Rumor has it that he used to hang out in goth clubs quite a bit.