BIO: The hero(ine?) of our tale, and Anton's protégé. A pyrokinetic sparrowhawk, they are the last of a race of humanoid bird-people and don't remember much about their past or who they are at all, really. The word "eccentric" doesn't even begin to describe them, and their identity is shrouded in mystery. (Also doesn't help that it feels as if they are not being entirely forthcoming regarding their origins...) With the abilities of a phoenix, they are immortal and have been reincarnated thousands of times. Their magic is extremely powerful but unwieldy due to the fact that they'd rather read manga or play video games than practice using it. Besides regular magic abilities, they can also fly. However it's quite hard for them to do this at the moment as they are currently recovering from a painful injury. Anton's helping them get better.

SKILL POINTS: Particularly skilled in both flying and pyrokinesis, and has the powers of both reincarnation and immortality as well as the ability to communicate with other avian lifeforms (underutilized). Also skilled in hand-to-hand combat and multiple styles of martial arts.

TEMPERAMENT: A hyperactive and reckless individual who is very injury-prone due to clumsiness. A bit self-important and enjoys taking the piss out of Anton. Also a conniving & scheming type of person sometimes, but they're not evil or anything like that, just smug. They've been through an insurmountable number of painful and traumatic experiences throughout their many lives, but despite this, they always find something to smile about. Hates studying above all else and can weasel their way out of doing almost anything. (Unless it's something that Anton asked them to do. He's ruthless and unrelenting; it's impossible to say 'no' to him.)